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Infill Underextrusion
by >dapoofyhairdude

Hi guys. I'm using MatterSlice and I notice that my grid infill is always breaking up, as if it's getting stretched, underextruding. I do not have any problems on my perimeters, so I don't think it's a overall flow rate issue.

Help? Is there plans to put a infill multiplier option in the future (like slic3r's)?

dapoofyhairdude - June 5th, 2014 at 10:56p.m.

It breaks up quite a bit especially when crossing over itself.

dapoofyhairdude - June 5th, 2014 at 10:56p.m.

This is often a problem with the temp being a bit low. Have you tired to raise 5 degrees? Adding an infill extrusion width is something that we are discussing.

LarsBrubaker [Moderator] - June 9th, 2014 at 10:13a.m.

I've been having the same problem since 1.1 on my printrbot jr V2.
The only way to get it to work now is to set the extrusion multiplier to 2 during printing.
Raising or lowering the temperature does not work. With 1.0 it worked out of the box without having to change the extrusion multiplier.
Can anyone redirect me to version 1.0 ?

Guest - July 6th, 2014 at 1:59p.m.

@dapoofyhairdude Wanted to add a note - in the upcoming version of MatterControl (1.1.2) the 3D gcode view attempts to accurately show the actual extrusion so you may be able to use this to see how your settings affect the infill extrusion prior to the actual print.

kevin.pope [Moderator] - July 10th, 2014 at 10:36a.m.