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Relationship between MatterHackers and RoBo 3D R1 printer
by >choban

I have a new RoBo R1 and I am running MatterControl and Matterslicer. I'm trying to understand who makes the updates to this software, you or Robo. What is the latest version I should be at with MatterControl and Matterslice. Can I run Cura or I think it's called sicerd or something like that and how does this firmware get updated.

choban - September 23rd, 2014 at 6:44a.m.

@choban MatterHackers provides a custom version of MatterControl to RoBo 3D for use with their printers. In general the software stays in sync with latest MatterControl features and improvements, but sometimes special updates are requested by the Robo team. The current Robo version is for PC, for Mac. CuraEngine and Slic3r are both currently slice engine options within MatterControl. MatterSlice is another slice engine option - and in fact the default recommended engine. MatterSlice does not have separate version numbers and gets updated along with MatterControl. Firmware updating is currently turned off, we are working with the Robo team to prepare another firmware update.

If you ever have any general MatterControl questions, please feel free to post them here!

kevin.pope [Moderator] - September 23rd, 2014 at 3:16p.m.

I have a Robo R1, new version with enclose bottom. I just upgraded my MatterContol to 1.1.7 and I use MatterSlice. When I connect to my printer I see that the firmware on the Ramps Ardunio card is Robo3dR1AutoV1. Does MatterContol decide what firmware to load onto the Ramps card. Reason I'm asking is I would like to make some changes to the firmware for a new hot end, I know how to upload the Ardunio software to the Ramps card, but will MatterControl override the firmware I'm uploading with a future release of their software.

choban - October 19th, 2014 at 6:29a.m.

@choban If there is a firmware update available MatterControl will recommend an update and then do the install for you, but only if you choose. So you can modify your firmware and then ignore the update message if/when is appears.

kevin.pope [Moderator] - October 20th, 2014 at 12:46p.m.

I was told by Robo that there is a new update for my Robo printer. Version Auto_Level_7_17_8mm. I just update about 2 weeks ago to MatterControl 1.1.7 and it did not ask about updating the firmware. I have downloaded this file, is there some folder in MatterControl where this update needs to be moved to, so MatterControl can update it automatically.

choban - October 22nd, 2014 at 6:36a.m.

I have a windows computer and have been looking through the MatterContol Folders and files. I can't find the firmware file or the configuration.h file. Can you help me understand where these files are and how they are uploaded to the Ramps controller cards from MatterControl. I'm just real interested in how all this works.
Thanks for your help

choban - October 22nd, 2014 at 6:50a.m.

@choban - sorry for the delay, to upload new firmware directly you'll need to use the Arduino application rather than MC. Though in the next update should include a way to directly upload your own hex file in MC.

Alternatively, if you can hang on til tomorrow I'll host the latest firmware in a way that MC can deliver automatically.

kevin.pope [Moderator] - October 30th, 2014 at 12:15p.m.

Update - the right upgrade from RoBo3DR1AUTOV1 (ie for 8mm rod R1s) is going to be ROBO3DR1V2, which MatterControl can now download and deploy for you if change the model name of the printer profile to 'ROBO3DR1V2'.

kevin.pope [Moderator] - October 31st, 2014 at 6:33p.m.

I have been talking with Robo support and they have new firmware, ROBO3DR1V5, are you aware of this and if I change my printer profile to this name will MatterControl update the firmware to the ramps card.

choban - November 20th, 2014 at 1:22a.m.

For all 8mm rod R1 models ROBO3DR1V2 should be the active firmware and for the 5/16th rods ROBO3DR1AUTOV5 should be active. What does your firmware version currently say?

kevin.pope [Moderator] - November 22nd, 2014 at 2:53p.m.

I have a newer ROBO R1 with the hexagon hotend and the enclose bottom. I believe this unit comes with the 8mm rods. I just upgraded to MatterContol V2 and the firmware says ROBO3DR1V1.

From a post above, you are telling me to change the model name to ROBO3DR1V2, I do this by going into edit on a existing printer and changing the model name, correct?? After doing this is the anything else I have to do for the firmware download to start.

choban - November 23rd, 2014 at 6:44a.m.

I'm having a little confusion between what MatterControl support is saying about what firmware to upgrade to and what Robo support is saying to use.

  1. MatterControl support tells me the latest firmware for the 8mm rod R1 Robo printer is ROBO3DR1V2. I can have MatterControl automatically upload this firmware to the Robo printer by changing the printer model name in MatterControl.

Question: 1. Is there a way to modify the configuration.H file and still use you method to upload the ROBO3DR1V2 firmware to the Robo printer

  1. Robo support has told me to download a folder called d
    and use Arduino software to upload the files needed to the Robo printer:
    These files are for the Robo R1 with Auto Level and 8mm Rods Firmware File

There are 2 Arduino files in this folder:
Auto_Level_7_17_8mm and Marlin, along with a lot of other files.

Question: 1. Is the file ROBO3DR1V2 the same as Auto_Level_7_17_8mm.
2. What is the Marlin file in this folder.
3. When I upload this file to the Robo printer and look at the firmware thru MatterControl what name will I see (Auto_Level_7_17_mm or ROBO3DR1V2) and does it matter what name is there

choban - November 24th, 2014 at 6:35a.m.

Sorry for the confusion - the name 'ROBO3DR1V2' and 'ROBO3DR1AUTOV5' actually refer to what is read by MC as the firmware version name and may not refer to the file names that are being passed around. If you check the configuration.h file there is a line that shows the version name:

define CUSTOM_MENDEL_NAME [firmware version name]

The 1.2 MatterControl update for Robo now allows you to upload an arbitrary firmware (.hex) file. It will also give you an opportunity to install the most updated (standard) version of the firmware for your printer if you have a version that is out of date. So no need to use the method I mentioned earlier (changing the model name) to get the update.

If you are modifying the firmware my recommendation would be that you change the name (in the place I mentioned above) so that MC knows not to try to update you back to an unmodified version when an update becomes available.

kevin.pope [Moderator] - November 24th, 2014 at 9:17a.m.

These are the different folders and files I have downloaded, the second line is the name assigned in configuration.H "define CUSTOM_MENDEL_NAME".
Are you saying that number 1. and 2. are the same, still confused???

In an above post you say the following:
For all 8mm rod R1 models ROBO3DR1V2 should be the active firmware and for the 5/16th rods ROBO3DR1AUTOV5 should be active.
But I see what I have load below as different???

  1. Auto_level_7_17_8mm
  2. Robo3dR1V2
  3. Auto-Level_7_17_516inch
  4. Marlin_6_10

Robo 3D R1 V5

choban - November 25th, 2014 at 12:05p.m.

Received some additional clarity from the Robo team. 1 and 2 are indeed on the same update path, specifically the Robo3DR1AUTOV5 (lower case) will be updating to ROBO3DR1V2. The 5/16th firmware is on its own path and will be updating to ROBO3DR1AUTOV4 (renamed from ROBO3DR1AUTOV5 - upper case).

kevin.pope [Moderator] - November 25th, 2014 at 5:15p.m.