Pitsco Design Solutions Curriculum by Pitsco

This set of curriculum created by Pitsco contains 15 hours of curriculum designed to illustrate how an engineer uses 3D printing to prototype new designs.

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Product No. M-LRR-D7M0

Design Solutions includes 15 hours of curriculum that illustrates how an engineer uses 3D printing to prototype new designs. In that time, students learn about copyrights, patents, and trademark protection and how to use basic modeling software. Teams of two are then challenged to create solutions to three problems. These design solutions are then printed using 3D printers. Students present their solutions to the class for review.

Written to address ITEEA Standards for Technological Literacy, Design Solutions enables teachers to address standards while students get the real-world experience of creating a design they are able to hold in their hands when finished.

Design Solutions includes a DVD, teacher’s guide, and 125 student Engineering Notebooks. Designed for use with any 3D printer.

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what is weight of Pro2 series

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can the printer print wood filament

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Purchased this last week by far the best company we have dealt with in 5 years in the industry, the raise 3d pro2 is easy to setup high quality and well built !! Thanks Carl

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Printing qwerks. Things I've noticed.... PLA: print with the lid off and fans on. Use the high end of material temp range. If you leave the lid on the filament breaks off just below the hobbed bolt and jams nozzle. PET: print with lid on and fans off. Use high end of material temp range. TPU: print with lid off and fans on. Go slow 10-20mm/sec. Do not use normal spool holder or route filament throught the teflon tube. Sit a spool feed high up on the back right corner of the printer and directly feed filament into extruder. Otherwise prints just stop at some point in your job when it can't pull in filament at right speed and nozzle gunks up.

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Does Cura work with Raised3d Pro2?

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I've seen several ads referencing Bondwell extruders. Did Raise3D use Bondwells in this product or are they Chinese copies?

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Has anyone retrofitted the hotend with an aftermarket one like the volcano?

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Can you use Simplify3D slicing software with this printer?

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I heard that you can use 2.85 filiment. I have $500 in filiment from my last printer. any hope this will be able to use any of this.

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Do any other brand nozzles work with this printer? Am I stuck buying Raise3D nozzles?

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can this item use Afinia Value-Line H-Series 1.75mm ABS Plastic 3D Printer Filament Red

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Can the nozzles be replaced with off the shelf 0.4mm steel nozzles for abrasives?

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How has this unit been performing in the last year?

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Does it include the 1 year warranty by Raise3D?

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I don't see information regarding the software that creates the machine language sent to the printer. For example, Formlabs uses PerForm. Stratasys uses Catalyst. Does Raise3D make available the software? or Recommend a solution?

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Has anyone tried printing acetal with this machine? I know it wont stick to the print bed without some special prep but other than that could this machine handle it?

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Can the wifi connect to WPA Enterprise?

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If printing with a GF PC with a bed temp of 110c. Can you give me an idea of chamber temps with the doors closed? Thanks

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Can you load 3Kg spools into this machine?

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I didn't see water soluble PVA listed as a supported material. Could it be used with this machine?

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Will Matter Hackers post a tech guide on your sight that explains how to get the most out of the Raise 3D in terms of materials like: PLA, PET, TPU, and Nylon?

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do you offer any type of finance program for this model?

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Can the live feed from the camera be viewed remotely (on a phone/computer not on the same wifi network as the printer)?

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What size nozzle(s) come with the pro 2?

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For dual head printing, how do you ensure both heads are aligned properly?

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Exactly how do you connect to the camera to watch prints. Tried using printer software on computer but nothing happens when I click on the connect to camera even though I've connected successfully to the printer over wifi.

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What is the exact xy accuracy/resolution of the raise3d pro2? on the data sheets you will find two different values (12.5 micron or 0.78125 micron).

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does it have a self leveling bed?

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How much does the printer itself weight? Net weight, not shipping weight. If it's heavy, I agree with shipment via a pallete. I've learned the hard way ordering from another manufacturer (even more expensive) that the UPS training and guidelines allow for flipping containers 70 pounds or heavier end over end in order to move them (apparently even down loading ramps).l

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Supported OS says "iOS" which is for Apple's mobile devices - is that correct and if so does that mean their software does not run on MacOS? And is that the only slicer software they support or can I load any gcode file from any slicer?

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Can I buy the camera as an accessory to plug-n-play for the N2?

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Can you modify the spool to be installed from the inside? The problem is where I want to put it is wide enough for the printer but it does not have access to the side. I am thinking If I made some bottom rollers that it goes on and IF it is reasonable to put the spool in the side area from the inside. it could work.

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Will you ship to an APO address?

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