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3DFuel Glass Filled Industrial Gray PLA Filament - 1.75mm (0.5kg)
3DFuel's Glass Filled PLA is a composite PLA filament made with real glass, giving it greater strength, toughness, and durability. Just like normal PLA, Glass Filled PLA is low-warp, low-odor, and doesn't need a heated bed. This means you can print functional, practical parts with the same ease of printing in PLA!
List Price: | $40.00 |
Availability: | Currently Unavailable |
Glass Filled PLA by 3DFuel is a composite PLA made with real glass particles. Just like other PLA composites, Glass Filled PLA prints with same ease that normal PLA dose: low warp, low odor, and no heated bed required. However, Glass Filled PLA has been tested by 3DFuel to be:
- 1.4 times stronger than PLA at 57 MPa of max tensile strength.
- 1.3 times tougher than PLA with 34 J/m of Impact Toughness.
- 1.9 times more flexible than PLA with a tensile elongation of 3.4% before failure.
With Glass Filled PLA, you can print functional, practical parts without the hassle of printing in ABS or other tricky materials!
Recommended Settings
Glass Filled PLA prints well at 190-210 C. These are general starting points for Glass Filled PLA, actual temperatures will vary from one printer to another. A heated bed is not necessary, though if you have one, set it to 40 C.
What software do I need to prepare my file for slicing and printing.
Why is this particular one being put on Clearance ?
Having trouble getting files to open in branded new mono x
So if I bought this product and one of the non-consummable components (like the z-axis stepper motor or UV LED array) failed after 7 months, would MatterHackers handle the warranty/support ticket or would I have to go through Anycubic?
I have a few questions 1 how much longer is the sale lasting on this ? 2 what is storing the resin like ? does it have a long shelf life ? can I leave resin in the build tub thing ? if I pour it back in the bottle or bag is it still good to use later ? 3 when I wash off a completed resin print how do I dispose of the used Alcohol
what else do i need for printing
What is the equivalent nozzle size for this resolution and size of printer/ what is the finest size detail that will be produced? I have a hard time wrapping my head around a pixel count resolution vs a nozzle size.
A little math gets the answer: 3840xz2400px and 192x120mm comes to .05mm xy resolution and these are usually advertised at .01 Z layer thickness... so almost 10x better resolution specs than comparably priced FDM printers (.4mm nozzle and .1mm Z layer). Plus the nature of how it works will make it seem like (and effectively) a solid object rather than layered.
It's not really a fair comparison though because an FDM printer also has to worry about motor step resolution, bearing/bushing slop and deflection (IE wheels on extrusion, linear rail, rods), vibrations, temperatures, filament characteristics, etc. You could print with a .1mm nozzle but if the guides are sloppy or the motherboard can't operate that tight of a tolerance, that .1 nozzle is going to be wobbling all over.
An fdm printer can print layers down to about .05 I believe this one can do down to .01 but it's going to print it exponentially faster than fdm. Build volume is self explanatory.