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BCN3D BCN3D Main Electronics Board

Replacement Main Electronics Board (or Motherboard) for all BCN3D 3D printers, including the R17 and R19 series, as well as the Epsilon W27 and W50 and the Sigma D25. The Main Electronics Board is the brains of your Epsilon, Sigma or Sigmax and sends commands to all other components of the printer to allow it to operate.

Manufacturer Product Number: 10909

List Price: $180.95
Price: $180.95
Price: $...
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Product No. M-LCN-KSPE

If there is damage to this unit, any number of issues could pop up, so purchasing a replacement may be the best option. For help performing the replacement, call or email MatterHackers' support staff.


  • Sigma R17
  • Sigmax R17
  • Sigma R19
  • Sigmax R19
  • Sigma D25
  • Epsilon W27
  • Epsilon W50

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