Duet3D Duet3D Duet 2 Ethernet 3D Printer Controller Board

The Duet 2 3D printer controller board combines some of the best components available into an incredible all-in-one controller. Don't sweat which drivers to get - the TMC2660's come baked in and an onboard WiFi or Ethernet connection enables networked printing from anywhere on your LAN.

Current Version: v1.04

Price: $187.00 (with add-ons)
Availability: In Stock
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Product No. M-Q54-QSA8
Network Connection: Ethernet

Everything you need in a controller

The Duet 2 provides fast motion and quick processing via a 32 bit processor. All that processing power means you can also expand your machine to include many more stepper drivers. (additional expansion boards may be required) Firmware is stored locally on a Micro SD card and can be accessed via the web interface for easy modification. Connections to all other hardware components is easy with vertical molex connectors or screw terminal block for secure connectivity.

And everything you want!

The Duet 2 includes a baked-in network chip for easy machine control from any device on your network. From desktop computers to tablets and smartphones, printer control is available across the board. Having stepper drivers baked in is great - but they aren't just any old drivers. The TMC2660 drivers are crazy quiet and capable of up to 256th microstepping for smooth and precise machine motion.

Technical Specifications

  • Processor: Atmel SAM4E8E
    • 32 Bit
    • 120MHz ARM Cortex-M4
  • Network Connectivity: WiFi or Ethernet
  • Stepper Drivers: Integrated TMC2660
  • Micro SD Card slot for firmware
  • Support from two extruders and heated bed
  • Max current per stepper driver: 2.4A (software limited)
  • Supports all standard 3D printer geometries

Full Wiring Diagram

Hardware Overview

What's in the box?

  • Duet2 Wifi controller board v1.04b - for more information on PCB history
  • USB A - USB Micro cable
  • DIY cable connectors - build you own cable ends in case your motors don't connect

Questions View All Responses

Will this replace the motherboard for a makerbot replicator 2x?

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Would this board work as an upgrade replacement in a Longer Lk5 pro?

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Is this a replacement for rambo 1.4a on a taz 6? Can you hook up all the connectors and use the pre-installed firmware?

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Is this a compatible replacement for the TAZ 5 stock controller board? Is there a reference to an installation guide (wiring, firmware)?

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I have a STACKER3D 500S, is this a direct/upgrade replacement for this machine? Only looking to use 1 print head, removing the remaining 3.

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I'm looking to replace the board on a Xinkebot Orca II printer as its all Chinese with little to no help on issues that it presents. will this board be a good replacement for it? im acting as though its a "custom" build and i can replace any component such as the board. i ran into issues with current controller not recognizing G02 arc moves and believe RepRap will understand these motions.

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Will this board work with an Anycubic Kossel Plus delta printer?

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So I read in an earlier post, this will not work with the ender 3 pro, correct?

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will this board work with my ender 5 with bl touch. If so, will it come pre-installed with the firmware required for the ender 5 and bl touch? If it does not, can it be?

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Do you have a Duet2 wifi with RepRap firmware 3.0 or later ready to ship?

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What about anet a8 plus?

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Two Questions: 1. My Pulse needs a new main board, will this run the machine? 2. Are there any advantages the Duet3D 2 has over the RAMBo board for the Pulse printer?

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Does an external antenna come with the Duet 2 WiFi board ?

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Could you tell me which PCB revision v1.04a,b,c is this board? Thank you

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So I have an MP Inventor 1 which is a knock off of the Flash Forge inventor 1. It has dual hotends 1 hot end is not working and I've changed the wiring Monoprice directed me to flashforge and flash forge tells me I need a new motherboard. Now the SD card reader is shot too. Their main board is 212 and I don't want to pay that. Would this board work as a replacemt?

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Will this work on an Ender 3 pro and a Cr-10s?

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Why won’t the Duet 2 work with a replicator 2x

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Looking to upgrade my Ender 5 Plus. What all would I need to replace the stock with the Duet system? Would I see any benefits in print quality with the Duet 3 vs the Duet 2?

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I'm looking to upgrade my TEVO Tarantulas and this looks like a wonderful option. Other than some possible firmware configuration, will this work for the Tarantulas?

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I have a Makerfarm Pegasus 12” printer. Will this work on it for a retrofit?

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I am looking to use this on a Ender 5 plus printer. I know I will need a separate display. What is best for the duet 2 WiFi? Also what else is needed? Can I use the same filament run out sender? And is there any support for a newbie getting this up and working along with a hemera?

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Hi can this board run the Slice Engineering high temperature extruder heaters and thermistors? Thanks

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Are any particular crimp tool(s) required to install the included DIY cable connectors?

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Do you offer the pt100 daughter board...

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I want to replace the board in my qidi tech 1 with this one. Could you tell me what other parts i will need for the upgrade.

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