MatterHackers Voron 2.4 Printed Parts Kit - LDO Sourced

The Voron 2.4 Printed Parts Kit is the perfect solution for users to quicken the assembly of their Voron 2.4 R2 3D printer. This kit comes with pre-produced ABS parts using Voron Design's specified print settings. Enjoy the convenience and time-saving benefits of the Voron 2.4 Printed Parts Kit.

  • Pre-produced ABS 3D Printed Parts
  • Black Primary Parts, Red Accent Parts
  • Compatible with the LDO Voron 2.4 R2 kits
  • Manufactured by Experts
Price: $159.00 (with add-ons)
Availability: In Stock
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Product No. M-EDC-5GRD
Printer Part Type: Functional
Complete (+$60)
Voron Build Size: 250mm
Controller Board: Octopus BTT
Octopus BTT
Toolhead: Stealthburner
HotEnd Extruder: E3D Revo Voron
E3D Revo Voron

Self-Sourced Your Kit? Click here for more Voron printer part options.



The Voron 2.4 Printed Parts Kit is the easy, convenient button for users to speed up their Voron 2.4 assembly time with pre-produced 3D printer parts.

Key Features of the Voron 2.4 Printed Parts Kit:

  • Printed parts for the Voron 2.4 R2
  • Manufactured in ABS filament via FDM
  • Accent printer parts are in red
  • Primary printer parts are in black
  • Parts print specs based on Voron Design's recommended settings

Manufactured By the Experts

MatterHackers has a decade of experience producing FDM parts, packaging, shipping products, and taking care of our customers. Rest assured knowing the Voron 2.4 Printed Parts Kit you receive is made by the experts for a quality experience.

  • Produced by Professionals
  • Receive 3D Printed Parts
  • Reassuring Confidence in Quality
Voron TAP Kit by FYSETC


MatterHackers follows Voron Design's recommended print settings:

  • Layer Height: 0.2mm
  • Extrusion Width: 0.4mm, forced
  • Infill %: 40%
  • Infill Type: triangle
  • Wall count: 4
  • Solid Top/Bottom Layers: 5
  • Supports: None

Note: Parts may have residue for bed adhesion (glue) on them and may need cleaning before use.

What's in the Voron 2.4 Printed Parts Kit?

The Voron 2.4 Printed Parts Kit's packing list is completely dependent on your custom selection of the product. See the table below for more details.

Rev 2 Parts applicable for the Rev 2 are the only available option at this time.
This applies to both Rev C and non-Rev C versions.
LDO Receive additional printed parts applicable to the LDO Voron kit.

Afterburner with Clockwork 1 printed parts and printhead parts for the
E3D Revo Micro are included.
Functional* Receive parts that Voron Design labels "Essential" on the
Voron Printed Part Reference sheet.
Complete* Receive parts that Voron Design labels "Essential" and "Cosmetic" on
the Voron Printed Part Reference sheet.

The skirt "Cosmetic" parts you receive will be based on the "Build Size"
you select.
250mm Cosmetic parts, if "Complete" option is chosen, will fit the 250mm build.
300mm Cosmetic parts, if "Complete" option is chosen, will fit the 300mm build.
350mm Cosmetic parts, if "Complete" option is chosen, will fit the 350mm build.
Octopus Receive controller mount parts for the BigTreeTech Octopus board.
Stealthburner Receive additional functional parts to assemble the Stealthburner
toolhead with the Clockwork2.
Revo Voron Receive additional printhead parts compatible with the E3D Revo Voron
(this printhead is compatible with the Stealthburner setup only).

*Note: Printed parts for the E3D Revo Micro Afterburner hotend toolhead are included, in addition to the E3D Revo Voron Stealthburner toolhead, with this kit.

Have an LDO Voron 2.4 Kit but don't see a printed part option for a specific Controller Board or Hotend you intend to use? Email to inquire about special print requests.


Please note that assistance from our Customer Service and Technical Support teams is limited to assisting with the nature of the order and providing links from the creators that may help you with your inquiry.


Please note that returns are not accepted on opened kits. Only new, unopened kits may be returned within 30 days of purchase. If a part from the kit is determined to be defective or missing during the warranty period, a replacement part or store credit of equal cost to the defective/missing unit will be provided.

If there is a problem with the packaging or damage occurred during shipment, please return the product immediately. Otherwise, a return will not be offered after assembly.

Questions View All Responses

Are there supplemental instructions from Matterhackers (or someone) for the assembly of the extruder (Clockwork 2 + Stealthburner)? Some of the printed parts look radically different from the linked assembly notes in LDO's documentation. I cannot tell where the heatset inserts are supposed to go, and I cannot even tell if I have all the printed parts needed to assemble the kit (I have all the parts on the provided BOM, but the BOM has left out a few parts before - like the bed supports and the pulley jig)

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can you tell me what ABS brand and specific "red color" was used for printing the accent parts? I need to reprint a part that I messed up on and would like to match it to the rest of the parts for the color.

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can you tell me what ABS brand your printing these parts in so I can get extra to print the rest that I need

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Does the Nevermore Printed Parts come with this? How about Printed clicky Probe parts?

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