MatterHackers Mk2B Heated Bed 8.5" x 8.5"

Heated print bed for replacing the heating element for your print bed, or for building your own 3D printer. Does not include a print surface or any wiring. Includes pins for 12v or 24v systems.

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Product No. M-EQ1-MFFE

Print Surfaces

Once you have installed this Heated Bed, you will need to figure out a print surface, on which to extrude filament, and you have a couple options.

Glass Plate: Probably the easiest solution is to use a borosilicate glass plate, and attach it via binder clips. Glass plates are nearly always very flat/have a consistent surface to them, so standard print leveling will work very well, and the clips will allow you to remove it with relative ease.

BuildTak Flex Plate System: Once the FlexPlate base has been attached to the heated bed, it is effectively permanent, but the build surface attaches magnetically and can be removed at will. This is an easier and more elegant solution than the glass plate, but the surface can be a little less consistent, so you'll want to make sure you have a touch probe that can adjust for any subtle variations along the X and Y.

Technical Specs

Dimensions: 8.44" by 8.44" by 1/16" (214mm by 214mm by 1.6mm)

Voltage: 12v or 24v

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