Nexa3D Nexa3D xClean Print Washing Fluid - 1 Liter

Nexa3D's post-curing, washing solution for UV resin prints is three times more effective than IPA at removing unwanted, uncured resin from surfaces.

Availability: Currently Unavailable
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Product No. M-1AF-KAAZ
Resin Weight: 1 Liter
1 Liter
5 Liters

Nexa3D's post-curing, washing solution for UV resin prints absorbs much more unwanted, uncured resin from the surfaces of your prints, which means it lasts longer in the Nexa3D XiP UV Resin Wash+Cure Station.


Can this be used in place of IPA in a formlabs finish kit or is it only for a nexa3D wash station?

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