Xtellar Taulman Black 645 Nylon - 2.85mm (1kg)
1kg of 3mm Taulman Black 645 Nylon printer filament. This is an exceptionally strong and durable formulation of Nylon which has been specifically created and tested for use in 3D printing. This formulation is non-toxic and is ideal for creating production quality parts.
List Price: | $60.00 |
Price: | $60.00 |
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Availability: | In Stock |
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1kg of 3mm Taulman Black "645" High Strength Nylon Co-Polymer specifically engineered for 3D Printing.
Print Recommendations:
645 prints over a wide temperature range and while your current temperature may be low for maximum bonding, you may not need a part that can survive a sledge hammer on your first print. There are just a few items to note so you eventually get the best from 645's properties.
645 will not print/stick to glass or aluminum print tables. The best table material for a new user is a flat piece of unfinished poplar wood or blue painters tape. These are at all hobby stores or home depots. For perfect adhesion, use low cost garolite (LE)
645's bonding is best at a true 245C.
You may have heard nylon emits fumes. 645 does not emit any fumes for printing. Actually, there is no odor at all from 645. You may see what looks like puffs of smoke, but it is actually water vapor or steam.
645 is an industrial line and as such is designed to print in greater layer heights than you usually print. There is no need to print fine layers unless you need high vertical resolution. We suggest 60% OF NOZZLE DIA.
NOTE: Please make sure to dry the nylons if they've been left in any humidity at all. All nylons will re-absorb humidity from the surrounding air within just 18 hours. So please make sure to store nylons, when not in use!
Type = 645 Nylon Co-Polymer consists of the purest form of a delta transition of Nylon 6/9, Nylon 6 and Nylon 6T.
Construction = From granule form through nylon extruding systems to a 12 station extrusion to draw, 4 chiller loops with 2 post processing stations to a final draw of 3mm or 1.75mm round line.
Water Absorption - 3.09 % - ISO METHOD 62
Tensile Strength, Yield - 12,428 psi - ISO METHOD 527
Elongation at Break >= 300 % - ISO METHOD 527
Melting Point - 214 °C - ISO METHOD 3146C
Glass Transition Temp - 68.2°C.
Print Temperature - 235 - 260 °C - Part and printer dependent.
Pyrolysis - 350 - 360 °C
UV - There are no UV Inhibitors within 645 as they reduce bonding
Safety - 645 meets the EU's "REACH" requirements as defined by the ECHA European Chemicals Agency. There are NO additives or chemicals in 645 that are listed in the REACH Directive. 645 Contains NO toxic chemicals and is "inert" to the body. As with all 3D Printing using heated polymers, caution should be used so as NOT to come into contact with the molten 645 (214C+) as it will adhere to ALL cellulose surfaces, including skin.