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Ultimachine Ultimachine RAMBo 1.3 3D Printer Controller Kit

This pre-assembled mother board meets all your needs - you will receive all electronic components securely soldered to the PCB, as well as endstop wires and switches, pre-crimped much more!

List Price: $210.00
Product No. M-AF6-WLYC

Note: This product is sensitive to static. Please handle with care.

The RAMBo 1.3 board is an all in one 3D printer motherboard. It is a full remix of the RAMPS design with the Arduino MEGA and stepper drivers all on one integrated PCB.

That is where the extreme and intense name stems from: RAMBo - (R)epRap (A)rduino-(M)ega-compatible (M)other (Bo)ard...definitely not the movie...

RAMBo is designed to work with the current RAMPS generation firmwares with minimal modifications to add firmware control of the digital trimpots and the microstep setting pins.

This product is RAMBo pre-assembled where you will receive all electronic components securely soldered to the PCB, ready for use. You will receive the endstop wires & switches of your choice, wires are complete with pre-crimped & housed ends.  Also included are the matching pluggable terminal blocks, two thermistor wires with pre-crimped & housed ends, a USB cable & we throw in gold connectors/headers for use on the motors & possible extra fan.


  • 5 x integrated 1/16th microstep motor drivers
  • 5 PWM Mosfet outputs
  • 4 thermistor inputs
  • Digital trimpot (no tiny knobs to tweak)
  • SMPS supports hostless printing on power supply voltages from 10-24V DC
  • 3 independent fuse protected power rails
  • High quality connectors

What's in the Kit?

  • 1 Pre-Assembled RAMBo PCB
  • 2 Pre-crimped/housed white thermistor wiring, 914.4mm (36")  *thermistor not included*
  • 3 1x2 housings
  • 1 6-pin pluggable terminal block (black)
  • 5 2-pin pluggable terminal block (black)
  • 1 USB Cable, 1.828m (6')
  • Endstops and Wiring

Endstop Wiring includes the default Mechanical Shift Wiring.

Mechanical Switch Wiring:

  • 3 Mechanical switches
  • 3 1x3 housings
  • 6 3.18mm female connector
  • 3 Pre-crimped/housed black endstop wire, 609.6mm (24")
  • 3 Pre-crimped/housed white endstop wire, 609.6mm (24")

*: Drivers sold separately
**: 1/32 with provided drivers. Upgradeable to 1/128 with SD6128 drivers.

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