BondTech Bondtech Extruder Upgrade - Raise3D N2

This kit is everything you need to convert your Raise3D N2 Dual from the stock dual direct drive extruders to a pair of Bondtech Dual-Drive extruders. To minimize weight and size, this extruder package utilizes the NEMA 17 Pancake motors. Both extruders are mounted at the same height, so performance between the nozzles will be identical.

Note: The version we carry includes the black stepper motors, compatible with all N2's manufactured today. Unless your N2 is from a very early batch this upgrade kit will be compatible.

List Price: $199.99
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Product No. M-R0H-N8E0

The power and reliability of Bondtech

Bondtech, the renowned maker of the QR DualDrive extruder, offers this extrusion upgrade kit for the Raise3D N2 Dual platform 3D printer which adds the power of DualDrive hobbed gears to the already impressive N2. This kit is compatible with both the N2 and N2 Plus platform, as long as the printer was Dual extrusion from the factory. Benefits of this kit include the power of the Dual Drive gears, as well as decreased toolhead weight for more accurate extrusions and identical filament paths for both nozzles. The standard N2 Dual toolhead has one extruder gear further from the nozzle than the other, which can lead to inconsistent performance between the two nozzles, an issue solved with this design.

Installation notes

This kit includes everything required replace the stock extruder head with this upgraded unit. No soldering is required, simply unplug the old motors and plug in the new ones! The stock toolhead weight is 890g and this kit reduces that down to 425g, allowing faster movements of the toolhead without loss of print quality. The ribbon cable that connects to the breakout board must be securely re-attached after installation - if the connection is not secure on its own use hot melt glue or a zip tie to ensure a stable connection. The printer will not function properly if this cable is connected improperly.

Technical Specifications

  • Filament Diameter: 1.75mm
  • Stepper Motors: NEMA 17 Pancake (black variety)
  • Toolhead weight: 425g
  • Gear Ratio: 3:1

What's in the box?

  • DualDirect extruder with motors
  • 0.7mm PTFE 4/2mm guide tube x2
  • Breakout board cover

Ensuring you have compatible hardware

This upgrade kit is only compatible with Raise3D N2 printers built with the black stepper motors, which is the vast majority of machines ever made. All new machines are manufactured with the black motors and only a very few early units were sold with silver motors. The best way to ensure compatibility is to compare your stepper motor connectors to those in the picture below. This kit is compatible with the connector on the left.

Questions View All Responses

I have a raise3d n2 single. I want to upgrade this to dual. Is it possible if I buy this? And are there any additional parts that you would like to purchase for the upgrade?

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Can i use this extruder on a Pro2?

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would this work as a replacement for the pro 2

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After looking at the Bondtech website, they are selling only one dual extruder kit and it explicitly states it is compatible with any new model N1/N2/N2+. Is this the same kit or an older model? It appears the same and is also 425g.

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Does anyone have an ideamaker template that runs faster for PLA using this extruder.

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Is this suitable for the single extruder version of the n2+?

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Do you offer any reseller pricing on this item? I only need 1.

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Is this upgrade compatible with the N1 as well?

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has anyone tried these out? I'm having grinding issues with my n2 dual. are these better for "softer" PLA

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I don't have an N2 but this is still an attractive package for other printers. Do these use the N2 hot ends only? Are they compatible with E3D hot ends?

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Do I need one or two of these if I have a dual extruder system ?

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Is this also compatible with the latest N2+? I think the only difference is the build height.

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What are the dimensions from center of hole to center of hole on the discharge side?

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