3D Printing Project-Based Learning Ideas to Spark Student Engagement

Education Ambassador and Information Technology Teacher, Bill White, presented at ISTELive 21, one of the largest Ed Tech conferences in the world. View a live recording of this snapshot presentation with a brief walkthrough of the process incorporating 3D printing into learning curriculum for both beginners and experienced makers and discussing how 3D printers in the classroom can inspire students to engage in STEAM learning.

Watch the video below to learn Bill's tips and live Q&A responses from the ISTE community to learn how to bring 3D printing into your classroom. Energize kids to tackle complex subjects with new excitement by incorporating 3D design and fabrication projects that let them engage in active learning with hands-on experience.  

Download a free copy of the slide deck here to follow along with the presentation:

Download HERESlide Deck - Bill White Presentation /pdf

Anyone in Your School Can 3D Print! 

The 3D printer is an invaluable resource in any teacher's tool belt and an incomparable learning device for students. While it can seem intimidating for some educators to try a new technology, Bill offers expert advice to break down the process into a few easy steps: research, tapping into community resources, and learning through teacher-to-teacher connections. 

For recommendations and unbiased advice on how your school or district can jumpstart 3D printing PBL with your students, contact us at education@matterhackers.com

To see innovative lessons and inspiring content like this and more, visit the MatterHackers Education Ambassador: Bill White feature page here. Check out the content and curriculum from other amazing ambassadors or apply today to join the Education Ambassadors Program at this link.