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Weekend Builds
How To: Mayku FormBox Desktop Vacuum Former
Tyler Anderson
Jan 13, 2019
The FormBox Desktop Vacuum Former is a perfect addition to your 3D printing workflow. Expand your production and use new materials!
MatterHackers is on a mission to enable people to build things themselves using whatever method works best for them. We started with 3D printing and have expanded to CNC mills, and laser cutters, and now we are selling our first vacuforming machine. The Mayku FormBox is a $699 vacuformer that makes it incredibly simple to form plastic sheets into any shape that you want....
How To: Create A Custom 3D Carved Cutting Board
Dave Gaylord
Oct 12, 2017
Break into 3D carving and make a customized wooden cutting board to step up your culinary game and woodworking skills.
Who doesn't want a custom cutting board? And with the holidays right around the corner, it's time to start thinking of things that earn you serious brownie points with your loved ones - enter your Inventables Carvey and the customized cutting board project. ...
How To: Make Use Of Empty Filament Spools for Organization
Alec Richter
Oct 4, 2017
If you're a 3D printing enthusiast, you know the pain of having lots of empty filament spools. Finally, make use of them with the Spool Tool - 3D printed storage solution.
If you’re like me, you hoard your empty spools even though you aren’t really sure what to do with them. Not only that, my desk is always a scattered mess of tools, nozzles, bearings, SD cards, USB sticks - you name it - no matter how nicely I try to keep them organized. That’s why I put together this Spool Tool. By combining leftover spools with my scattered mess, I was able to k...
How To: Design and 3D Print a Custom Birdhouse
Alec Richter
Jul 18, 2017
With these easy steps, you'll learn how to design & build your own 3D printed bird house.
It's summer! The birds are out singing, the sun is out, and there isn't a cloud in the sky! It's perfect weather to stay inside and 3D print. We have a really big tree outside the front door to our showroom, but we hardly ever see birds taking a rest on it. What it needs is a birdhouse! It'd be really easy to go out and buy some wood or go to a crafts store and buy a kit, but where's the fun in th...
How To: 3D Print and Build an F1 RC Car
Alec Richter
Jul 23, 2017
Participate in the Open RC Project and learn how to 3D print and build your own F1 RC car.
If you're an active member of the 3D printing community, you've probably heard of Daniel Norée. If you haven't heard of him, you may have heard about one of his many Open-Source projects, like the OpenRC F1 Car, the OpenRC drone, the print-in-place adjustable wrench, or everyone's favorite: Benchy. We are going to 3D print and build the F1 car. ...
How To: 3D Print Your Own Torpedo Pool Toy
Alec Richter
Jul 19, 2017
Understand how your favorite pool toys were designed for functionality and 3D print your own.
We're about halfway through summer now, which means the weather is at its hottest and spending time at the pool is a great idea. Let's 3D print some pool toys! There's this toy torpedo that many remember playing with as a kid in the pool - you throw it underwater and it rockets across the pool. The toy works because it's neutrally buoyant, which means it has close to or the same density as the sur...
How To Build a 3D Printed Foosball Table
Alec Richter
Mar 2, 2017
In collaboration with Bob from YouTube's "I Like to Make Stuff," we design, prototype, and assemble a 3D Printed Foosball table from scratch. Read on to see how it went.
For a long time now, since before I even started here at MatterHackers, Dave has wanted a foosball table in the office. It was a project idea that got tossed around for a while, and something I casually worked on; designing parts for it in my spare time between articles and other projects. We spit-balled ideas about how it should be put together, what should be 3D printed, what should be purchased...
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