How To 3D Print Transparent Resin Parts

How To 3D Print Transparent Resin Parts

  • Liqreate Engineers
  • May 24, 2022
Getting transparent 3D printed parts can be quite challenging, but the team of engineers at Liqcreate have developed a process that anyone can do at home.
Getting transparent 3D printed parts can be quite challenging. Clear and transparent 3D prints are ideal for creating clear prototype parts, showing internal cavities and details. Applications like LED housings, prototyping lens parts and microfluidic devices are a few examples of application 3D-printed with clear resin. Resin 3D-printing is one of the only 3D-printing technologies that can creat... (More)
How To Succeed: 3D Printing with Nylon and Nylon Composites

How To Succeed: 3D Printing with Nylon and Nylon Composites

  • Alec Richter
  • Jul 15, 2020
Nylon and nylon composites perform exceptionally well in a variety of uses, it just takes a gentler touch to print it successfully.
Nylon is one of the most common plastics you will find in consumer products, and there’s a reason for that: it’s material properties make it an excellent choice for durability. Nylon is ductile, strong, and fairly chemically resistant which is why you’ll find a lot of power tools are made of nylon or use a nylon based composite; they’re objects that need impact resistance t... (More)
How To Succeed When 3D Printing With Nylon

How To Succeed When 3D Printing With Nylon

  • MatterHackers
  • Aug 23, 2021
Learn how to 3D print Nylon like a pro. Nylon is a stronger and more durable alternative to PLA or ABS and easy to 3D print with using these Tips and Tricks.
Unlock the full potential of your 3D printing projects with Nylon – the robust, versatile material that outperforms traditional PLA and ABS in strength and durability. Ideal for creating functional parts, tools, and high-wear objects, Nylon's unique properties make it a top choice for hobbyists and professionals alike. Embark on your Nylon printing journey equipped with our expert tips and ... (More)
3D Printing 101: How to Succeed with a Perfect First Layer for Every 3D Print

3D Printing 101: How to Succeed with a Perfect First Layer for Every 3D Print

  • Alec Richter
  • Aug 18, 2021
The first layer of your 3D print is the foundation of everything that comes after, which makes it such an important part of the 3D printing process.
At MatterHackers we want to equip you with the knowledge and confidence to succeed with each and every print. To start - let’s discuss the initial layer that is printed for any part - we refer to it as, not surprisingly, the “First Layer.” Let's dive into the details. (More)
How To: Use a Vacuum Former to Rapidly Create Unique Products

How To: Use a Vacuum Former to Rapidly Create Unique Products

  • Alec Richter
  • Oct 18, 2021
Extruding plastic isn't the only way you can have a manufacturing tool on your desktop; thermo-forming is a rapid and easy-to-use supplement to your toolchest.
In the wonderful world of desktop manufacturing there are more ways to work with plastic than just heating it up and extruding it; you can cut it, mill it, and one of my favorites: vacuum form it. While the others are certainly interesting to watch and exciting to set up, none can go from raw material to finished product as fast as a vacuum forming can. Once you’re taken your time on the set... (More)
Tech Breakdown: Pulse SNAP Toolheads

Tech Breakdown: Pulse SNAP Toolheads

  • Alec Richter
  • Oct 26, 2021
Not only does the Pulse SNAP simplify maintenance by allowing you to quickly swap out the entire hotend, it makes hotend and nozzle changes even easier.
With any manufacturing tool, downtime is avoided at nearly all costs; a tool that doesn’t work is a tool that will take work to start being useful again. With 3D printers this often comes in the form of nozzle troubles, be it a clog or a swap to better suit material needs. Every newly purchased Pulse 3D printer now features the Pulse SNAP, a toolhead with quick-swap capabilities so you can c... (More)
How To: Mayku FormBox Desktop Vacuum Former

How To: Mayku FormBox Desktop Vacuum Former

  • Tyler Anderson
  • Jan 13, 2019
The FormBox Desktop Vacuum Former is a perfect addition to your 3D printing workflow. Expand your production and use new materials!
MatterHackers is on a mission to enable people to build things themselves using whatever method works best for them. We started with 3D printing and have expanded to CNC mills, and laser cutters, and now we are selling our first vacuforming machine. The Mayku FormBox is a $699 vacuformer that makes it incredibly simple to form plastic sheets into any shape that you want.... (More)
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