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Vacuum Forming
Desktop Vacuum Formers - Why You Need One
Feb 26, 2023
Desktop vacuum forming and pressure forming are versatile and cost-effective ways to create custom molds and products - plus, they are easy and fun to use!
Vacuum forming is a great way to create custom molds, packaging, and end-use products - in this article, we'll break down the different types of vacuum forming and what they can be used for.
How To: Understand the Basics of Thermoforming
Alec Richter
Jan 16, 2019
Thermoforming is a manufacturing process completely different from 3D printing and has its own workflow. Take a look at what you need to know before getting started.
Much like 3D printing, getting started with thermoforming has its own nuances, tricks, and workflow that takes some getting used to. Even across the various forms of 3D printing, the workflow is different; some can handle complex overhangs, geometry, and things like internal cavities, but models for thermoforming need to be a lot simpler than that. Thanks to this article, you will have a much bett...
How To: Use a Vacuum Former to Rapidly Create Unique Products
Alec Richter
Oct 18, 2021
Extruding plastic isn't the only way you can have a manufacturing tool on your desktop; thermo-forming is a rapid and easy-to-use supplement to your toolchest.
In the wonderful world of desktop manufacturing there are more ways to work with plastic than just heating it up and extruding it; you can cut it, mill it, and one of my favorites: vacuum form it. While the others are certainly interesting to watch and exciting to set up, none can go from raw material to finished product as fast as a vacuum forming can. Once you’re taken your time on the set...
Tech Breakdown: Mayku Formbox
Alec Richter
Jul 22, 2020
Read more to see what makes this small form-factor, Mayku FormBox a thermoforming powerhouse.
While it has a minimalistic appearance, the Mayku FormBox is anything but. This little machine has all the polish needed to make it an easy-to-use vacuum forming powerhouse that can create custom molds or product packaging over and over again. Every material pack comes with simple guidelines to set the temperature and get the timing right before you use the power of the FormBox to pull hot plastic...
How To: Mayku FormBox Desktop Vacuum Former
Tyler Anderson
Jan 13, 2019
The FormBox Desktop Vacuum Former is a perfect addition to your 3D printing workflow. Expand your production and use new materials!
MatterHackers is on a mission to enable people to build things themselves using whatever method works best for them. We started with 3D printing and have expanded to CNC mills, and laser cutters, and now we are selling our first vacuforming machine. The Mayku FormBox is a $699 vacuformer that makes it incredibly simple to form plastic sheets into any shape that you want....
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