The Anatomy of a 3D Printer: Bed Leveling

The Anatomy of a 3D Printer: Bed Leveling

  • Alec Richter
  • Mar 25, 2018
Learn the many different kinds and phases of leveling the bed of your 3D printer.
Since the beginning, bed leveling has been the part of 3D printing that can make or break a users experience. Initially, rafts were the best way to ensure your 3D printer had a flat surface to work with. A raft is a sacrificial structure to compensate for an unlevel bed to be a flat, temporary print surface. They’re used much less often now because of the variety of ways a bed can be reliabl... (More)
3D Printing in the Recreational Water Sports Industry

3D Printing in the Recreational Water Sports Industry

  • Scott Cahoon
  • Mar 5, 2018
MatterHackers profiles two companies that are making waves using 3D printing in the fishing and boating industries.
The evolution of the desktop 3D printer has seen a distinct transition from the “need to have” tool of the Maker to an indispensable asset for the small to medium size additive manufacturer.  Two such examples are Pacific Bay International and Chaparral Boats. These manufacturers have integrated desktop 3D printing into their operations to produce the best in quality water recreat... (More)
How To 3D Print Hardware from McMaster-Carr

How To 3D Print Hardware from McMaster-Carr

  • Dave Gaylord
  • Mar 24, 2015
The old adage “work smart, not hard” is applicable here. There is no reason to get out any fancy CAD software if you are in the mood to 3D Print standard hardware. The McMaster Carr online catalog has an abundance of CAD designs available and ready for printing.
If you have the desire to print standard hardware, but lack the motivation to reverse engineer the parts yourself, I have some good news for you. McMaster Carr's online catalog is well organized, has an overwhelming selection, and as it turns out, is a fantastic resource for standard hardware CAD Designs. A good portion of the standard hardware have downloadable CAD files within the product detai... (More)
Slice Settings Explained- Part 1

Slice Settings Explained- Part 1

  • Taylor Landry
  • May 5, 2015
This is part one of a series that will explain all the various slice settings found in MatterControl so you can unleash the full potential of your 3D printer and get exactly the results you’re looking for.
All the various slice settings can seem a bit overwhelming when you first start 3D printing. Perimeters, wall thickness, infill patterns, support material spacing… all important and useful but not necessarily intuitive when first starting out. This is part 1 of a series that will explain all the various slice settings found in MatterControl so you can unleash the full potential of your 3D p... (More)
Learn to Design; Design to Learn

Learn to Design; Design to Learn

  • Scott Cahoon
  • Apr 26, 2016
The iterative design framework is key to any outstanding overall product design. Learn how to utilize this process for your next design project.
So you have all of your product specifications nailed down (or at least 80% finalized) and you are ready to begin your design. Where do you start and how will you know that your design, or at least your concept of the design, is what the customer wants or needs? The answer to this and many other questions posited by like-minded designers may be found in the realm of iterative design.... (More)
Getting Started With 3D Printing Basics

Getting Started With 3D Printing Basics

  • Ryan Lutz
  • Oct 5, 2015
Join the 3D printing revolution! This quick overview will familiarize you with the important concepts of fused filament fabrication.
3D printers look like fun, and you can't wait to join the party-- right? If you've been waiting for the opportune moment to dive head-first into this exciting world of new technology, wait no more; your time has come. This article will walk you through taking your first steps into the wide world of 3D printing. (More)
Slice Settings Explained - Part 2

Slice Settings Explained - Part 2

  • Taylor Landry
  • May 31, 2015
This is part two of the series that will explain all the various slice settings found in MatterControl so you can unleash the full potential of your 3D printer and get exactly the results you’re looking for.
In Part 1, we covered the Basic view mode of MatterControl. You can view it here if you missed it. Part 2 will cover Some of the more common settings you will find yourself using.... (More)
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