With bowden 3D printers, you need to make sure that your extruder system is well constrained and has low friction to get the best 3D prints possible. Capricorn XS PTFE tubing was designed for the express purpose of 3D printing with special additives for a smooth performance. And you can count on the Pros at MatterHackers to get you tubing in the length that you need, for both 1.75mm and 2.85mm filament.

Let's break it down-

Purpose Built

Most bowden tubes that are encountered when 3D printing perform well, but Capricorn XS tubing is different; Capricorn is the first PTFE tubing specifically designed with features to enhance your 3D printer’s performance. The inner diameter of your bowden tube plays a role in the ability of your 3D printer to have responsive retractions and extrusions, which is why Capricorn XS features a consistent and smaller inner diameter with tight tolerances.

A Pulse 3D printer with Capricorn XS PTFE tubing.
A Pulse 3D printer with Capricorn XS PTFE tubing.

Secret Sauce

Capricorn XS tubing is formulated with special high-lubricity additives, These additives ensure that your filament slides through easier than other brands of tubing. These additives work in combination with Capricorn’s tighter internal tolerances to effectively improve the responsiveness of retractions and reduce filament hysteresis.

Helpful additives and tighter tolerances enables more control over filament.
Helpful additives and tighter tolerances enables more control over filament.

Cut to Length

Every 3D printer that features a bowden or guide tube is going to be a little different; no two printers have the same length of tubing. To make things easier for you, MatterHackers cuts Capricorn tubing to length based on your specifications. Simply order, for example,  a quantity of 5 to receive a 5m length. Need something longer? Give us a call or send us an email and we will take care of you.

Capricorn XS tubing is available for purchase in meters, as short as 1 meter and as long as you need.
Capricorn XS tubing is available for purchase in meters, as short as 1 meter and as long as you need.

If you’re looking to improve your bowden 3D printers and want an easy upgrade to boot, Capricorn XS tubing is the choice for you. To learn more and to order your length of Capricorn today, go to MatterHackers.com.