MatterControl Touch Connects 3D Printers to the Internet of Things
MatterHackers announces the launch of MatterControl Touch, an Android-powered controller that allows users to turn their 3D printer into a standalone, internet-enabled device.
MatterHackers introduces MatterControl Touch, a WiFi-enabled, Android-powered, portable 3D printer controller that provides the ability to create, edit and prepare models directly on your printer using a familiar touchscreen interface based on the popular open source software MatterControl.
Setup is easy and involves connecting the device to any compatible 3D printer via USB cable and walking through a wizard. Once complete, the printer becomes standalone and no longer needs to be connected directly to a computer. Users can sign-in to send and receive printable designs, or download models directly from the web.
MatterControl Touch
“MatterControl Touch sets a new standard for the 3D printing user experience,” said Lars Brubaker, CEO of MatterHackers. “With this extension of our MatterControl platform, we've brought a new level of convenience to desktop 3D printing that simply hasn’t existed before. Slicing, manipulating models, adjusting settings - this can all be done on the 3D printer now without the need for a dedicated computer.”
Brubaker also announced that an embeddable version of the Touch would be available soon. “Discussions are already under way with manufacturers to include the embedded version in their new 3d printer models,” said Brubaker. “We hope to empower the next generation of open standard 3d printers.”
Key Features of MatterControl Touch
Plug and Play - MatterControl Touch comes preloaded with configurations for over 40 different 3D printer models.
Integrated Slicing and Control - As an all-in-one controller, MatterControl Touch gives 3D printers the ability to directly generate print files from 3D models using MatterSlice.
Remote Print Monitoring - Touch users can check on their 3D prints from anywhere using their phone or any web-enabled device. They can even opt to receive a picture confirmation of their finished print after completion.
Wifi Enabled, Not Required - Users can enjoy a totally standalone experience or connect their printer to the web to take advantage of cloud features.
“Unlike internet-required solutions, MatterControl Touch still gives users the ability to do their 3D printing offline,” noted product lead Kevin Pope. “We considered this to be an important option for schools and businesses - places where network situations can be complicated and security is a critical factor.”
“MatterControl for PC, Mac and Linux has nearly fifty-thousand active users and one of our objectives was to give those users an option to untether their machine without losing any of that functionality,” said Pope. “In fact, when you throw in a built-in camera and wifi-capability the possibilities are endless; we are incredibly excited to keep evolving the platform.”
MatterControl Touch is available immediately and will be priced at $299. Early supporters who purchase one of the first 100 units will receive a discounted price of $249.
About MatterControl
MatterControl is an all-in-one 3D printing platform which allows 3D printer users to get the most out of their 3D printing experience. It offers printer hosting, integrated slicing (powered by MatterSlice), as well as tools for editing and creating 3D printable parts.
About MatterHackers
MatterHackers, Inc., located in Lake Forest CA, is a provider of professional software solutions for desktop 3D printing and one of the largest online distributors of 3D printers and 3D printing supplies in the U.S.. MatterHackers and MatterControl are trademarks of MatterHackers, Inc.
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